Repeater Network

W2CRA ~ Cherryville’s Repeater Networks

The Cherryville Repeater Association maintains a number of repeaters on a variety of frequencies, providing some of the best 2 meter coverage in the country.  Portions of our network are underwritten by the Hunterdon County Office of Emergency Management to assure communications in times of emergency.  Our entire network is available during such times.

This extensive repeater network is maintained completely by volunteer club members.  Sincere thanks go to our Technical Committee  Tony Ploski, W2HWW, George Knoedl, AC2NX as well as Ed Kita, N3MSK — who lend their expertise and time to keep the system working.  We also fondly remember here our founding member, former repeater trustee, and “master of clip leads”, Charlie Kosman, WB2NQV (SK).

2 meters ~ 147.375 +600 kHz , PL 151.4

The most extensive of these repeater networks is coordinated on 147.375 (+600 kHz
PL 151.4 ) and carries the callsign of the repeater trustee, WB2NQV/R. The main transmit site is located at the Hunterdon County Communications complex in Cherryville, New Jersey (between Clinton and Flemington). Multiple voting receive sites link to the main site. These receive sites are located in Cherryville, Glen Gardner (Mt. Kipp), Bloomsbury, Kingwood Township, Murray Hill, and Linvale. This extensive and complex system provides coverage from Interstate 80 in Northern New Jersey to Philadelphia, and from Allentown, PA to Long Island, NY.

This is a very active machine, especially during “drive times” on weekday mornings and afternoons. Due to the high level of activity during these times, there is a 90 second timer to keep transmissions relatively brief and provide all an opportunity to talk (as well as allow emergency break-ins whenever needed). Come on and join us!

The Hunterdon County Traffic and Emergency Net is held on this repeater every Thursday evening at 20:00. This is a fairly relaxed net, mostly designed to provide an introduction to a controlled net environment, and to provide listeners with the Newsline weekend amateur radio news broadcast. Please feel free to join the net and meet the Cherryville gang.

2 meters ~ 147.015 +600 kHz, DCS 411

CRA also maintains a dual mode (FM and Yaesu Fusion) 2 meter repeater on 147.015 MHz (+600 kHz, DCS 411) also carrying the callsign of WB2NQV. This repeater is partially underwritten by the Hunterdon County Office of Emergency Management. Note that there has been a recent upgrade from analog squelch (PL 151.4 Hz) to Digital Coded Squelch (DCS) on this machine.
This is a single receive and transmit site repeater located at “Mt. Kipp” in Glen Gardner, NJ and provides coverage in all of Hunterdon County, most of Warren and Somerset counties and partial coverage for bordering counties and Eastern Pennsylvania.

1.25cm – 220 MHz -1.6 Mhz, PL 203.5

A single-site 220 repeater is located at Mt. Kipp in Glen Gardner, NJ. The frequency is 224.12 (-1.6 Mhz, PL 203.5 Hz but is usually open), call sign K2PM. This machine is an Icom repeater with an
S-COM controller and provides excellent coverage for Hunterdon and the surrounding counties in NJ and Pa. Autopatch is available to members.

70cm – 440 MHz +5 MHz, PL 141.3

444.850 (+5 MHz, PL 141.3 Hz) – located at Cherryville, the call sign W2CRA.
This machine is a Motorola MTR2000 with it’s internal controller.
NOTE: When this repeater identifies it does not transmit PL.

70cm 446.475 -5 MHz, PL 141.3

446.475 (-5 MHz, PL 141.3 Hz but is usually open), call sign W2CRA, and located at Mt. Kipp. This machine is a GE Master II repeater with an S-Com 7K controller and is linked to the 224.12 repeater.