W2CRA ~ Membership Information
A Message to our Members, current and future . . . . .
W2CRA ~ Membership Information
A Message to our Members, current and future . . . . .
The Cherryville Repeater Association II is a non profit, New Jersey 501C(3) corporation dedicated to community service by providing radio service for events and a wide area repeater system for all Ham radio operators. We also foster advancement in knowledge, technology, and radio operating skill. In addition to providing service, the events that we participate in provide a means for practice and improvement of our radio operations. Cherryville is an ARRL Special Service Club; as such, our members are active throughout the entire year in various Public Service Events. Active participation in Public Service Events or other club sponsored activities isencouraged. Volunteering can take a variety forms – holding a board position, chairing a committee responsible for a specific event or activity, serving as Net Control for a specific event or activity, or simply showing up with your hand-held radio and spare battery to provide the vital and effective communications that our club for which we are known.
“Many hands make light work.”
- Club Meeting Schedule – mark your calendars now!
- Board Meeting Schedule
- Dues Schedule
- How to Become a Member of the Cherryville Repeater Association
- Membership Application (PDF)
General Membership Meetings
When – The Cherryville Repeater Association meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM
Where – Flemington Baptist Church, 170 Main Street, Flemington New Jersey.
General membership meetings are always open to ALL – ham or non-ham!
Board Meetings
When – The Board of Directors meets at 7:30PM on the first Wednesday of the month prior to the General Membership Meeting
Where – Panera Bread in the Flemington Mall, Flemington, New Jersey
Board meetings are open to all.
Please Note: If you have an issue that requires Board consideration or would simply like to learn more about how the Cherryville Repeater Association is operated “behind the scenes”, please contact any board member for more information to make sure that the schedule has not been changed and to have any issues added to the agenda.
Dues Schedule
Regular Membership: $30.00
Family Membership: $35.00
Senior Membership: $25.00
Dues are due at the January meeting for the calendar year. Grace period for continued membership benefits extends until 7:30 PM at the April Club meeting. Dues must be paid by that time in order to be eligible to vote in the Club elections or continue receiving Uplink and other Club benefits. Dues can be paid to the Treasurer at the meeting or mailed to:
Cherryville Repeater Association, II, Inc.
P.O. Box 623
Pittstown, NJ 08867
How to Become a Member of the Cherryville Repeater Association
- Membership is open to any and all Licensed Amateur Radio Operators (Hams) of any license class.
- Prospective members must be sponsored by a current member in good standing of the club.
- Membership applications are available at club meetings or from any Board Member and is also available here on the website!
- Prospective members must attend or participate in 3 club activities (Public Service Events, Hamfest, Field Day setup or take-down, or regular club meetings) before being considered for vote.
- Prospective members are voted on by the club membership at the regular club meeting on or after their third activity.