Cherryville Repeater Association, II

Hamfest and Technology Expo 2025

  • Saturday, March 8, 20245
  • North Hunterdon Regional High School
  • 1445 Route 31
  • Clinton (Annandale) NJ 08801
  • (1 mile south of I-78)
  • Vendors, Flea Market, Drawings, VE Exams, Food, Fun, ALL Indoors!

  • Flex 6700 Station Demonstration +

  • Vendors:  KJI Electronics, Sauder Electronics

  • Vendors doors open at 6:30 AM

  • Buyer doors open at 8:00 AM, entry $7

  • Talk In on WB2NQV: 147.375 MHz, +0.6, PL 151.4 Hz

  • Details and registration at Hamfest Link

Information from : Len Smetona, K3SLJ, 908-323-9725, or

Hamfest table registration can be found here: Table Registration

Our recent VE session

Our most recent amateur radio licensing examination session was held on Saturday October 19, 2024.  We had five successful exam completions.

Congratulations to Sean – KE2EHB;  Jon – KE2EHE; and Ed – KE2EHK, all of whom earned and received their Tech licenses.  Welcome to the hobby. 

And then there was Andrzej – KE2EHC, who not only passed his element 2 exam, but who went on to pass his element 3 exam, advancing immediately to General classification.  Congratulations Andrzej!

Our next VE session

Cherryville Repeater association II (CRA) will be administering our next amateur radio licensing examination (VE session) on Saturday March 8, 2025 at our HamFest which will be held at North Hunterdon High School, 1445 NJ-Rt. 31, Annandale, NJ.  The VE session on that day will begin at 9:00am.  We will be offering all three exam elements – Tech, General and Extra. 

Pre-registration is not required, however if you are planning to participate, an RSVP to would be appreciated.

For further details and contact information, hover over the “Become a HAM” link above and click on the drop-down “License Tests/VE Session”.

For more information about CRA, hover over other headings on this website.`

New 220 Antenna is up!!

The Cherryville Online store is once again open. Check out our new fall swag. We don’t have a close date so but be sure to get your stuff while it is open!

The Cherryville Repeater Association is an active club of licensed amateur radio operators and their families, most of whom live within 50 miles or so of Flemington, New Jersey, but some of whom live as far away as Bono, Arkansas. Membership is open to any ham, and potential new members are encouraged to come meet us at club meetings. Based in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, and founded in 1973, CRA is an ARRL Special Services Club which provides “Community Service Through Communication.” Providing logistical coordination for parades, health and welfare communication for triathalons, walkathons, horse trials, boy scout activities, school activities, and other places people gather keeps our members busy throughout the year. 

CRA members also respond in times of community emergency. The club is closely affiliated with the Hunterdon County Office of Emergency Management. Many club members are also members of ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) and RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services) and the National Weather Service SkyWarn program. Trained in the special techniques required of emergency communication, we assist local government, police, and Red Cross in times of disaster (hazardous materials spills, flood evacuation, ice storm shelter activities, etc.). We are always on standby to assist wherever and whenever we are needed.

CRA maintains an extensive Repeater System on 2 meters (147.375 MHz, +600 kHz, CTCSS 151.4). With multiple voting receive sites linked to the main transmit site located at the Hunterdon County Communications complex in Cherryville, New Jersey (between Clinton and Flemington), coverage is provided from Interstate 80 to Philadelphia, and from Allentown, PA to Long Island, NY. In addition, CRA also maintains a second 2 meter repeater on 147.015 MHz, and repeaters on 224.120, 444.850 and 446.475 MHz.


Hunterdon Amateur Radio Club
Hunterdon County, New Jersey
“Community Service Through Communication”