W2CRA ~ Cherryville’s Leadership
At the heart of any successful club or organization is the core group of people that make things happen. Cherryville is no different. The key to a club’s continued health and growth is its ability to generate active participation from a wide variety of members, tapping on each individual’s particular strengths and talents.
The guiding force of the Cherryville Repeater Association is its Board of Directors. These are positions filled by club members through an annual election in April. The current (2021-2022) Board of Cherryville is:
President: | Len Smetona, K3SLJ | |
Vice President: | Rob Tomenchok Jr, WA2RT | |
Secretary: | Ron “Wes” Wescott, K2TZ | |
Treasurer: | Steven Krommenhoek, KD2OTK | |
Chaplain: | Fr. William “Bill” Thiele, W2BWL | |
Members-at-Large: | Don Fulmer, KD2OTJ ** | |
Chris Malzone, AA2MJ ** | ||
George Knoedl, AC2NX * | ||
Tony Ploski, W2HWW * | ||
Kurt Cathcart, KR2C * |
* = First year of two-year term, ** = Second year of two-year term
Each of these Board positions has a specific set of responsibilities. Any club member in good standing is eligible to run for any office – and is heartily invited to do so!
President – The President of the club does a lot more than just run meetings. The President’s prime focus at all times must be the overall health of the club as a whole, its mission and its membership. He or she is basically a Project Manager, keeping track of all the activities and making sure the individuals responsible are keeping up with the work of the club. He or she should be an active leader, a person who can generate interest, excitement, and participation from others. He or she should also be an ambassador for amateur radio and the club when and wherever possible.
Vice President – Is chair of the membership committee, assumes duties of the president in the event the president is absent or leaves office.
Secretary – Keeps all records of the club and takes and distributes minutes of the Board and general membership meetings each month.
Treasurer – receives, distributes and keeps accurate records of all club funds.
- Monthly General Membership meetings at FBC basement cafeteria: Arranged meetings with FBC Trustee and paid for renewed agreement to use facility for the following year.
- Renewed and paid for annual insurance policy for the following year.
- Filed annual forms with insurance provider requesting additional named insured certificates required by FBC and North Hunterdon High School for the CRA Hamfest.
- Paid utility bills for the use of facilities used by the CRA for various activities.
- Solicits and coordinates tax deductible donations to the CRA. Funds from donations are used to offset operating expenses of the organization and finance purchases of equipment to maintain the CRA network.
- Filed the annual IRS form 990 N to maintain the tax deductible status of the CRA. – Collects annual dues from active CRA members.
- Collects and summarizes the annual ballots by members for selection of officers and members at Large for the following year.
- Prepares a monthly report summarizing activities performed by the CRA Treasurer and activity and balance in the CRA checking account.
Members at Large – With the officers above and the immediate past president constitute the board of trustees. The board meets each month two days before the general membership meeting and is the governing body for the club.
Immediate Past President – Is a member of the board of trustees.
In addition to the Board Positions, a great deal of the work of the club is done at the committee level — members working together on a specific project for the club. Shown here is a list of the current committees and the chair of each committee. Anyone interested in helping out on a specific committee is invited to contact the committee chair. Anyone interested in volunteering for one of the open chair positions is invited to contact one of the club’s officers.
Committee Chairs –
- Technical Committee – Tony Ploski, W2HWW
- Hamfest Committee – Len Smetona K3SLJ
- Education Committee – Dave Burchett, KD2DB, George Knoedl, AC2NX
- Public Service Committee – Currently Open
- Field Day Committee – Kurt Cathcart, KR2C
- Emergency Management – RACES: Currently Open; ARES: Currently Open
- Membership Committee – Vice President
- Nominating Committee – Comprised of the mid-term members-at-large
- Holiday Party Committee – Board of Directors or selected individual